Through a Global Health Lens
The Emory Global Health Institute (EGHI) student photography contest showcases compelling and thought-provoking imagery from Emory students. This contest invites participants to share their perspectives on health challenges at home and abroad, fostering cultural sensitivity and awareness.

(Left - Winner) Nutrition/Caraballo, Dominican Republic, by Audrey Willett, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing: Every day across the Dominican Republic, more than 200 children receive a spoonful of peanut butter and vitamins. (Right - Winner) 'Wings of Disease'/Jigjiga, Ethiopia, by Jennifer Snyder, Rollins School of Public Health: Close-up of the deadly mosquito species. Anopheles stephensi, which is reviving malaria in African urban settings.

(Left - Honorable Mention) Colorful Confessions/Chiang Saen, Thailand, by Julia Byrnes, Emory School of Medicine: Baan Kru Nam is home to more than 80 migrant children and Kru Nam, the woman who started the home to help end human trafficking in Thailand. (Right - People’s Choice Award) The Tunnel of Hope/Raleigh, North Carolina, by Ketki Vinayak Joshi, Rollins School of Public Health: The Free Expression Tunnel is a place anyone can decorate. Participating in the arts can help people cope with mental health conditions.

(Honorable Mention) The Heartfelt Smile/Chiang Saen, Thailand, by Emma Constanza, Emory School of Medicine: Emory Health against Human Trafficking provides checkups at Baan Kru Nam Children’s Home.